Welcome from School Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians ,Visitors,

I am pleased to welcome you to the school website which is a useful reference point for school information including policies, travel/transport updates, class blogs, school calendar and other updates from our busy school community.

Our school opened in 2012 and is growing steadily. Our beautiful school building, which we moved in to in April 2018, is a vibrant, positive and professional place to work in and to learn in. We are a primary school, teaching the national school curriculum and funded by the Department of Education and Skills. We are under the patronage of Educate Together and teach an ethical education programme in place of religious instruction daily. We have high standards in all that we do and we expect the same from all educational stakeholders involved in Stepaside Educate Together National School. Kindness and respect are essential core values which are reflected in our ethos statement and mission statement - both of which can be viewed on this website.

We look forward to growing to full capacity in the coming years where we will eventually fill our twenty four classroom school, with three streams of each class and two classes for pupils with a diagnosis of autism.

It is an exciting time for our school and we look forward to all that is yet to come,


Dec 23
Winter Break 23/12 - 03/01
Jan 06
School Reopens
Feb 03
Bank Holiday – school closed
Feb 07
School closure - staff in service training
Stepaside Educate Together N.S.,
Belarmine Vale,
Dublin 18
D18 H7W6

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© 2024 Stepaside Educate Together N.S.