An active school is a school where physical activity is valued, promoted and enjoyed by all.
Active School Flag (ASF) is a Department of Education initiative supported by Healthy Ireland, and part of the National Physical Activity Plan.
The ASF initiative provides schools with a framework to guide, support and incentivise them to work towards achieving a physically educated and physically active school community.

physical activity in a FUN, positive and inclusive way

schools to engage in a process self-reflection, action planning and collaboration at whole school level

schools to identify strategies to energise the school day and to reduce sedentary time

schools to strengthen their PE programmes and to promote physical literacy

students with voice, space, influence and audience to participate in the decision-making process of their school

schools to develop, and strengthen partnerships, with parents, local and national organisations

a support network for schools where best practise, innovation and successful initiatives are showcased, affirmed and shared

schools to create their own specific roadmap for sustained physical activity practises

with schools, national organisations and expert groups to ensure that ASF continues to deliver benefits to schools
The Active School Flag (ASF) is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and active school community. The process aims to get more schools, more active, more often. We at Stepaside ETNS, are currently in the process of a flag renewal. In order to achieve this, we self-evaluate our current provision across three areas: Physical Education, Physical Activity and Partnerships
Physical Education
- Confirmation that all classes receive 60 minutes of timetabled PE every week.
- Confirmation that at least 5 different P.E. strands (Athletics, Aquatics, Dance, Games, Gymnastics, Outdoor and Adventure) are taught at every class level every year.
- Visual Evidence of the work undertaken in the priority PE strand.
- Renewal Schools —Visual evidence of the monthly Fundamental Movement Skills focus.
Physical Activity
- Active Playgrounds (playground leaders, playground equipment, playground markings, zoned playground games).
- Signposted Active School WALKWAY.
- Running Initiatives (Run Around Europe Challenge 2024).
- Run a Day challenge (K a day).
- Renewal Schools — ASF Physical Activity Reward (10@10, Bizzy Breaks, Zumba, Skipping, Dance, Yoga) .
- Renewal Schools — 60 Minute Physical Activity Challenge (Whole School Walks, Ticknock Trek).
- Active School Week Programme #ASW.
- ASF committee - staff & pupils (Paudie, Mark & Niamh D).
- ASF school slogan.
- Survey of pupil’s club membership.
- Links with local clubs (St. Olaf’s GAA Club, Rosemount Tennis Club & De La Salle Rugby Club).